Project Outline

Project Name

A1237 section over the river Ouse

Project Manager

Shoaib Mahmood



Purpose of this Document:

This document summarises key project information to allow a Member decision to be made in support of the current course of action.



The mandate for this project derives from a bid to the government for ‘Active Travel Fund’ support. The text within this bid states:


“A1237 outer ring road bridges – permanent provision of a cycle lane and improved footways over a 1km viaduct where provision is currently poor – linking suburbs on the northern and southern banks of the River Ouse, including a school on the southern bank and retail on the northern.


The carriageway width allocated to vehicles on the existing A1237 viaduct over the River Ouse and East Coast Main Line will be narrowed with the space released used to provide a cycleway at carriageway level on the “city centre” side of the viaduct. The speed limit on the road will be reduced and measures introduced to segregate Active Travel users from vehicles.”


Project Description:

The project provides provision of a cycle lane and improved foot ways over a 1km viaduct where provision is currently poor.

This will link suburbs on the northern and southern sides of the River Ouse and East Coast Main Line (ECML), including Manor School on the southern side and Clifton Moor Retail Park on the northern side.

The project is needed to improve safety and amenity of cyclist and pedestrian journeys using the route, and to fulfil the requirements of the government grant funding.


The need for the project was identified through consultation with members in advance of the funding bid, tempered by a gap analysis of cycling/ walking infrastructure in York, determined through York’s LCWIP scoping study.


Aims and Objectives:

The Aim of the Project is to:

Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists over the viaduct over the ECML and River Ouse

Improve the amenity of the cycling corridor on this same route to encourage further cycling / modal shift / NMU (non-motorised use)

Fulfil the grant funding requirements of the DfT where relevant

The Objectives are:


Safety and Amenity - Improve safety and amenity for cyclists and pedestrians using the A1237 to cross the Ouse/ ECML


Increase use of the route by cyclists and pedestrians - Increase the number of cyclists and pedestrians using the route compared to a baseline data


Implement LTN 1/20 guidance - Implement elements of LTN 1/20 guidance where feasible.



In Scope:


Geographical Location: The cycle/ pedestrian path on the A1237 bridge over the Ouse/ ECML and the ped/ cycle paths to the bridge between the roundabouts with the A19N and Great North Way.


Consideration of options which may cause a reduced traffic capacity.


Consideration of LTN 1/20 guidance. Green scoring solutions are preferred, but non green scoring solutions can be considered if they achieve project objectives.


Consideration of a reduction in speed limit.


Out of Scope:


Locations outside the area defined above


City-wide / Strategic traffic modelling


Not looking to improve the following:


·        Congestion

·        Bus facilities / routes

·        reduce queue lengths

·        improve traffic capacity

·        upgrade equipment

·        resurface any roads / footpaths not required as part of the works


Consideration of traffic signal solutions


Air quality modelling.


Consideration of solutions that require changes to the boundaries of the adopted public highway, or resolution of land ownership issues.


Consideration of improvements to street furniture or public realm, except where required to achieve project objectives.


Consideration of options that restrict motor vehicles access, where necessary to achieve the objectives.



Outcomes and Benefits:

Increase in pedestrians and cyclists using the route, measured by a comparison of survey data.


Improved safety, measured by a comparison of safety data.


Dependencies and related works:

There are currently no direct dependencies on this project. However communication with the Outer Ring Road project team will continue to manage any emerging dependencies.


Design Resource Procurement:

A quotation has been received to undertake design services for this project. Please refer to the main report (Option C) for further details